聯 係 人:陳經理
手 機 號:13580828702
熱線電話:0769-8535 8432
電 話:86-769-85358431
傳 真:86-769-85358433
郵 箱:101@xinyangling.com
官 網:http://www.msunway.com
地 址:廣東省東莞市長安鎮新安元崗街5號1棟303室
東莞市大嶺山鎮莞長路878號 YL&JGH大廈三樓
廣東新揚鈴電子科技有限公司2019年印度展會第二天新聞快訊搶先看:9月26日,2019 年印度國際電子元器件及生產設備展覽會還在持續開展中,展會將持續三天。歡迎各位客戶朋友們蒞臨香蕉性爱视频网站電子展台參觀了解。
Guangdong R-Yangling Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. news flash: the Electronica & Productronica India 2019 is continuing on September 26 and will last for three days. Welcome all of you to visit our R-Yangling Electronic’s booth.
Looking back at the scene of yesterday's exhibition, the exhibition has brought together electronic exhibitors from all over the world. The new platform of electronic components and electronic manufacturing was also fully displayed on the exhibition site, which gave customers the opportunity to have face-to-face communication and negotiation with suppliers in the electronic industry, and helped enterprises to achieve procurement and cooperation
Meanwhile, SMT products which were placed in the R-Yangling Electronic exhibition platform also won the favor of many customers, customers come to the booth to consult about the R-Yangling Electronic sales of SMT accessories and R-Yangling agent sales of Juguangheng laser marking machine. Not only that, customers were also attracted by the marking samples, our colleagues also enthusiastically introduced the Juguangheng laser marking machine to customers in detail. It can mark on different materials according to customer needs of colors, patterns and text. R-Yangling welcomes all of you.
Ok, today's newsletter is here. If you want to know more about our exhibition details, please pay attention to our WeChat public number: yanglingdz、smtyangling、yanglingsmt, we will give you a wonderful picture for the first time.
Exhibition dynamic continue to update......
Looking back on the way, we can not grow without your support, we will continue to work hard to bring you a new vision and a different R-Yangling.